Reusable Solutions

Stainless-Steel Food Ware

Stainless-steel food ware products are recommended by pediatricians as an alternative to eating from single-use plastic and styrofoam.  Our stainless steel trays, cups, and sporks are made of the highest quality and like all of our products…they are designed and manufactured in the USA!  Schools and restaurants prefer stainless steel due to its durability, longevity of wear, and cost savings.  

We ReUse Stainless Steel USA

Closed Loop Sustainable Dining

Reusable to-go containers achieve the goal of zero-waste. They are more beneficial to the environment than compostable or recyclables, reducing waste and emissions. These containers are formed with BPA free plastic and Ecolab tested for 1000 washes. Used in restaurants, cafeterias and venues, they make for a cost-effective alternative to single-use containers. All Containers are 100% recyclable, meaning that once they are worn down from repeated use, we will collect and ensure they are remade into other recycled material products.

Storage and Shipping Solutions in all Colors

The lightweight boxes have many uses, come in a variety of colors and sizes and can collapse for easy storage. Ideal for seasonal products because they are water-resistant and can be used hundreds of times. Our reusable boxes ship like conventional boxes and can be folded flat when not in use. Instead of wasting one-time use boxes, replace your distribution applications with a durable corrugated plastic box to help with your sustainability and profit goals. For businesses that require customers to return product back in original packaging, this is the ideal solution for multiple uses.

Transport Bins

Sometimes referred to as a gaylord, a d-pack or a skid box, these transport storage bins are made of durable corrugated plastic in grades from 3mm to 10mm of polypropylene. These bins are used for shipping, storing, and moving products between distribution centers and stores. Currently, most bins in the industry are for single use. These transport bins are built to last hundreds of uses, and will reduce operating costs and waste.

Reusable BPA-Free Take-Out Boxes

Our corrugated plastic boxes were invented to eliminate millions of single-use food take-out containers. Made from polypropylene plastic, these boxes are safe for consumers and restaurants to be used with food. They are durable, easy to clean, and can be reused numerous times. For consumers focused on reducing the carbon footprint, they simply bring their reusable container to the restaurant for their carryout order.

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